The Fastest MegaNode Archive Node V2 is now LIVE on BNB Chain

Introducing MegaNode Archive Node services and how you can get started using them.

The Fastest MegaNode Archive Node V2 is now LIVE on BNB Chain

On March 6, 2022, we introduced MegaNode Archive Node, a high-performance archive service of BNBChain and more. Today, we are delighted to announce that our new upgraded Archive Node (V2) is now LIVE for BNB Chain. For the first time, developers can access all the historical data of BNB Chain including the genesis block.

If you are a dApp developer, it’s going to be a strong demand for you to query the historical data of a blockchain in some circumstances. Whether you want to check the balance of an address or the state of a smart contract that needs to be traced back years, you will need archive nodes, an essential part of the blockchain infrastructure. It was a big hassle in this industry before, but now, things can be changed with the fastest MegaNode Archive Node V2 officially going live, starting from BNB Chain.

What’s the Challenge?

We all know that blockchain is growing at a rapid pace, as more users come onboard and increase of adoptions come into use. Do note that all the data for the BNB Chain mainnet is currently more than 20TB.

This causes high pressure on the network infra, especially the hardware storing all the information, or another way to say it, the history of the blockchain. Well, this is exactly what the archive nodes are. As archive nodes contain everything about past states of a chain, they are very large in size. Consequently, running an archive node is far away from easy. It requires high-performance equipment with huge maintenance costs.

MegaNode Archive Node, Your Wisest Choice

NodeReal’ MegaNode makes everything different. We bring the world a brand new archive node solution with innovative storage and indexing approach. By using MegaNode, for the first time, developers can enjoy a fabulous and seamless archive node experience, just like a typical full node!

1. Archive Data Accessibility

In our current version, we provide archive data accessibility to the following 6 requests on BNB Chain, including eth_getBalance, eth_getCode, eth_getStorageAt, eth_call, eth_estimateGas, and eth_getTransactionCount. More types of requests are in the pipeline and will be supported soon.

2. High-Performance Services

MegaNode aims to be the best, fastest archive node provider around the world, and the fact has already proved that. Our nodes are fast, reliable, and secure. Below is a comparison with one of our competitors and the data shows that MegaNode outperformed in several aspects, such as lower latency, higher QPS, and higher scalability.

3. Fabulous User Experience

Apart from building the best-in-class product functions, MegaNode is also committed to bringing users the best experience.

  • User-friendly UX: We provide the same archive node UX as RPC service, which means, you can use archive node services exactly the same way you use a typical full node. It’s simple and straightforward.
  • Composer: We offer a test environment in the “composer” segment. You can easily configure your request and get a preview there.
  • 99.5% SLA: Our SLA level is ~ 99.5% (uptime). You can enjoy stable Archive Node services at MegaNode.
  • Global Access: We deploy multiple servers worldwide. Users are automatically connected to the nearest one. You don’t need to select or switch them manually.

4. Starting from FREE!

Yes, you read it right. MegaNode provides archive data accessibility to all tiers of customers, starting from FREE! We are currently running a 3-month Growth Plan FREE Trial Campaign, all you need to do is just login with your Github account. Give it a click!

5. More to Come

MegaNode is moving forward quickly. In future versions, you can expect optimized debug APIs and more blockchains to be supported in our archive node services. Subscribe to our Twitter now to stay updated on our latest product release.

How to get started?

Let’s say you want to query the balance data of a certain address 0x8894E0a0c962CB723c1976a4421c95949bE2D4E3 at block 10,000,000 on BNB Chain. You can access it by using the eth_getBalance API at MegaNode.

Step 1: Sign Up MegaNode and connect with BSC Mainnet

We are currently running a 3-month Growth Plan FREE Trial Campaign, all you need to do is just login with your Github account. Create your first App and connect with BSC Mainnet.

Step 2: Navigate to Composer

We provide a “Composer” interface for you to easily configure your request. In this case, select the app you just created, for method choose “eth_getBalance”, and input the wallet address and block number you want to query. Click “Send Request”.

That’s it! In a millisecond, you can view the request result down below. You’ve completed your first query using MegaNode Archive Node services. 🎉

With all being said, if you are looking for archive node services, get started with us right away. MegaNode can be your wisest choice. Sign up now.

If you need any assistance, feel free to reach us via

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