Polyhedra X NodeReal: ZK building blocks empowering Application Chains and Blockchain Games

Exploring the collaboration between Polyhedra and NodeReal and how their ZK building blocks are revolutionizing Application Chains and Blockchain Games.

Polyhedra X NodeReal: ZK building blocks empowering Application Chains and Blockchain Games
Unlock the full potential of blockchain as a service and gaming infrastructure with the groundbreaking partnership between NodeReal and Polyhedra. This dynamic collaboration aims to build a holistic infrastructure that empowers a one-stop solution for all your blockchain and gaming needs. This partnership signified a high time to embrace seamless interoperability between Layer-1 (L1) and Layer-2 (L2) blockchains and elevated gaming experiences.

Who is Polyhedra?

Polyhedra Network is building the next generation of infrastructure for Web3 interoperability, scalability, and privacy through advanced Zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) technology. Polyhedra Network provides trustless and highly-efficient interoperability solutions for asset transfers, message passing, and data sharing between various Web2 and Web3 systems.

Polyhedra recently launched zkBridge Mainnet Alpha on zkBridge.com, now available for cross-chain interoperability on the mainnet of various layer-1 and layer-2 blockchain networks such as BNB Chain, Ethereum, and Arbitrum. During the mainnet alpha phase, users can use the zkBridge NFT and zkBridge Messenger on 10 layer-1 and layer-2 blockchain networks.

Polyhedra X NodeReal: Unleash the power of Interoperability & Web3 Games

zkBridge: Scaling Solutions for L1 to L2 Interoperability

The zkBridge is a groundbreaking technology that enables interoperability between L1 and L2 blockchains. zkBridge uses zkSNARKs to allow a prover to efficiently convince the receiver chain that a certain state transition happened on the sender chain. NodeReal and Polyhedra Network are collaborating to enhance the zkBridge implementation, bringing faster and more efficient transaction processing between L1 and L2 blockchains.

Imagine a scenario where a user wants to transfer assets from BNB Chain or Ethereum to Cocos Chain. With zkBridge, the transaction can be executed directly, and the trustless connection ensures the security and authenticity of the transfer.

Moreover, the interoperability possibilities through this partnership are extended between L1 to other sidechains. Sidechains are separate blockchains connected to the main blockchain, allowing for faster and more scalable transactions. By integrating L1 blockchains with sidechains, NodeReal and Polyhedra aim to improve blockchain interoperability and enable seamless transfer where FNCY chain is a case in point.

ZK-as-a-Service: A Web3 Game Solution

ZK VRF (Verifiable Random Function) has been successfully implemented in the popular game Dark Forest. ZK VRF ensures that the game's assets are fairly and securely distributed among the players. With ZK-as-a-Service, you can enjoy the benefits of zero-knowledge-proof technology, including enhanced security, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness, without requiring specialized infrastructure or expertise. NodeReal and Polyhedra will take this solution to the next level and can empower players and developers to build and be ready for the next-gen Web3 Games.

About NodeReal

NodeReal is a one-stop blockchain infrastructure and service provider that embraces the high-speed blockchain era and empowers developers by “Make your Web3 Real”. We provide scalable, reliable, and efficient blockchain solutions for everyone, aiming to support the adoption, growth, and long-term success of the Web3 ecosystem.

About Polyhedra Network:

Polyhedra Network is building the next generation of infrastructure for Web3 interoperability, scalability, and privacy through advanced Zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) technology. Polyhedra Network provides trustless and highly-efficient interoperability solutions for asset transfers, message passing, and data sharing between various Web2 and Web3 systems.

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